A Simple Guide On Cutting Hair With Thinning Shears


cutting hair with thinning shears

A Step-by-Step Guide to Cutting Hair with Thinning Shears

Thinning shears, also known as texturizing shears, are essential tools for hairstylists and even individuals looking to maintain their hair at home. These specialized scissors are designed to remove excess bulk, create texture, and add dimension to your hair. If you’re curious about using thinning shears but unsure of how to get started, this simple guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions and tips to achieve a professional-looking haircut with ease.

1. Choose the Right Thinning Shears

Before you begin cutting hair with thinning shears, it’s crucial to select the right pair. Thinning shears come in various sizes and styles, so consider your hair type and the effect you want to achieve. For thin or fine hair, opt for shears with fewer teeth, while thicker hair may benefit from shears with more teeth. Additionally, choose high-quality shears with sharp blades to ensure a clean and precise cut.

2. Prepare Your Hair

Start with clean, dry hair. Comb or brush your hair to remove tangles and knots. If you’re working with wet hair, be aware that it will appear longer when wet, so cut less initially to avoid over-thinning.

3. Section Your Hair

using thinning shears on short hair

Divide your hair into sections to make the cutting process more manageable. Clip or tie up the sections you’re not currently working on, starting with the bottom layer and moving upwards.

4. Holding the Thinning Shears

Hold the thinning shears at a slight angle, with the teeth pointing towards the ends of your hair. This angle will help you create a natural, blended look. Keep your fingers close to the scalp to control the amount of hair you’re cutting.

For more tips on holding scissors like the professionals, check out How To Hold Scissors Like The Professionals

5. Start Thinning

Begin with small, controlled snips. Start from the mid-length of the hair and work your way towards the ends. Avoid cutting too close to the roots to prevent creating noticeable gaps or unevenness. Remember, it’s easier to cut more hair later if needed, but you can’t put it back once it’s cut.

6. Use a Point-Cutting Technique

To add texture and softness to your hair, use a point-cutting technique. Instead of cutting straight across, angle the thinning shears and make small, diagonal cuts. This will help blend the layers seamlessly.

7. Check for Balance

Regularly check your hair’s balance by releasing sections and combing them through. Ensure that the layers blend well, and make any necessary adjustments.

8. Gradual Thinning

Remember that it’s always better to thin gradually. You can thin more if needed, but you can’t reverse an overly thinned hairstyle.

9. Finishing Touches

Once you’ve achieved your desired look, finish by styling your hair as usual. You can use styling products to enhance texture and hold.

Start Your Thinning Shear Haircut Journey Today

Cutting hair with thinning shears can be a rewarding experience when done correctly. By following this simple guide and practicing patience, you can achieve a beautifully textured haircut that suits your style. Whether you’re a professional hairstylist or an individual looking to maintain your hair at home, mastering the art of thinning shears can open up a world of creative possibilities for your hairstyles.

Related: Scissor Styles – What Are The 2 Types of Scissors For Hairdressers?

FAQ: Cutting Hair with Thinning Shears

Q1: What are thinning shears and how are they different from regular scissors?

1: Thinning shears have serrated blades and are designed to reduce hair volume and add texture, while regular scissors have straight blades for straightforward cutting.

Q2: Can I use thinning shears at home or are they for professionals only?

2: Thinning shears can be used by anyone with the right technique. They’re not exclusive to professionals.

Q3: How do I choose the right thinning shears for my hair?

3: Select shears based on your hair type. Fewer teeth are ideal for fine hair, and more teeth for thicker hair. Ensure they’re high-quality with sharp blades.

Q4: What’s the key to successful thinning with shears?

4: Start with clean, dry hair, section it, hold the shears at an angle, and use a point-cutting technique. Gradual thinning is best, and always check for balance.